Okay, first I would like to say maybe I am not the best judge of acting or whether it is bad or not, because I have no clue how to act at all most of the time, and people say I react weirdly in real life and do not act like normal people. But, frankly, most people who are so called ''bad actors'' I cannot tell at all. I have no clue how to identify these people at all. A lot of people comment on a kdrama and tell me that a kpop star in it is a bad actor or something, and I haven't seen anything that would make them think this way. Frankly, as long as you are not saying your lines and your stage directions such as Gag Concert or you do not happen to be as bad as any of the actors and actresses (excluding Sterling Knight, and the uncle) in Elle: A Modern Cinderella Tale, you are a good enough actor for me. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zzw0zUQoPB4
That's the trailer, you can also watch the full film on youtube for free, and no one cares. I am not a good actresses and therefore how can I even judge acting that is better than what I can do, in fact, how can anyone else judge the actors if they cannot do it themselves. But, this may sound like I see bad acting for what it is and don't care and that is not true. I cannot even tell bad acting when I see it, unless it is as bad as the movie mentioned above. To me, if a certain character acts a certain way, that is the way their character acts and it is normal.
Some people say well, bad acting occurs when you cannot feel with the character, but, I do not remeber a character I have not felt with unless they were annoying or evil, and then I just feel annoyed, but, then again shouldn't you feel annoyed it has nothing to do with bad acting or not. So, I have no clue what anyone is talking about when they say someone is a bad actor, if an actor acts immature and over the top, isn't their character just immature and over the top, why would that be bad acting. If an actor has no expression in certain situations, isn't that the character?
There are characters like this. I did not write the script and I do not act like most people so, why would I assume that this character would be normal or have a normal reaction (whatever that is or means, I cannot tell you if that is normal or not, nor do I believe that there is a normal person in this world.). So, if you say a person is a bad actor because they kissed weirdly or it did not look natural, or they had a blank expression the entire time, or was stiff, how can you be the judge of that? (Not that I could even tell that even if someone pointed it out.)Maybe, the director or scriptwriter wanted that type of character. How can you know what they were told to do when they were acting? How do you know that this is not how that character would react?
Also, I wanted to mention for those who like Fantastic I am currently annoyed with the main girl. In the episode I watched, eventhough the main character knew he was bad at acting and wanted help, she just laughed at him and did not even pick up his phone calls. She needs to get over that grudge and move on and help him out, it's not even worth it to hold a grudge for that long. Eventhough some people may have found this first episode funny, I did not I was depressed the whole time and definitely was piting the main guy who our girl was laughing at for his bad acting.
I mean, it's really rude to do that to him, and I hated the fact that they are going to get together, he is so much better than her. She does not deserve him. It is unfair to laugh at a guy who just needs some guidance in acting and would love some help. Stop Laughing help him out already! Ugh, that is so annoying, if I asked for help in acting please give me help instead of laughing at me. I know I am bad, just help me out, give me an example to go by and maybe a mirror to practice in. But, I am going to have to continue watching this drama for Ji-soo, maybe I will skip parts with the main girl.
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